The tender task of selecting literary agents to query
I have reached that point of great anticipation and justifiable angst. My most recent novel is ready to pitch to literary agents. The anticipation is obvious. This is my foray into becoming a published author. The chance to receive justification for my many months of fingertips on keyboard might be only a phone call or email away. The angst is obvious as well. Rejection is part of the process, and it is most disagreeable. Before I began the process, I armed myself with a thick skin. That's not hard to do for someone who spent years in journalism. Putting your reporting and opinions out for others to read invites considerable negative reaction if a reader is so inclined. One of the earliest pieces of advice I got from an author was delivered by John Hart, the creator of Edgar Award winners Down River and The Last Child. He said an author must be ready to receive multiple rejections. He said he keeps copies of those rejection letters from the days before he cracked open the ...