Rejection on full manuscript is never easy

I have written about the tough but necessary part of this author lifestyle that involves rejection. Have a thick skin, I've been told and repeated to my blog readers. Expect a lot of thumbs-down responses. Yes, it's part of the life. That said, it's never easy to get that letter or email that says my project doesn't fit a literary agent's parameters for representation.

A top agent requested a full manuscript of my latest novel. (I won't name the agent because I didn't seek his approval to use parts of his note.) It's the kind of agent that fosters an author's hopes. His fleet of writers feature names that are instantly recognizable and newbies who have won top awards. He sent me a wonderful note today that said he wasn't taking my novel under his wing. There were parts of the note that were encouraging with terms such as, "you write with energy and great care," and "given the ambition of this plot, I feel certain another agent elsewhere will feel differently than I and respond with exactly the vision and enthusiasm you deserve." No doubt I will take those words as support for my efforts.

His problem was with my pacing. My guess is that he found it too slow, which hasn't been my problem, at least in my estimation. I felt I was plagued by journalism-itis, or the tendency to rush a story line because I am accustomed to dealing with stories that need to be wrapped up quickly. I am running sections of my novel through my brain and selecting areas of possible revision. That can cause other problems because his note didn't get into specifics, and I can over-analyze (the old paralysis by analysis conundrum).

I had another agent request my first 50 pages, but she turned down the project because she didn't feel my voice was strong enough. I continue to approach other agents with my query letter and desired extras such as requested number of chapters to include and possibly a synopsis. (Lord, I hate writing the synopsis.) I hope the agent's note today about someone else responding with the enthusiasm I seek is accurate.

Of course, I am enough of a realist to know there will be more rejections. Time to check whether my skin is a little thicker tonight and ready for what lies ahead.


  1. I read your novel cover to cover and found it to be exciting, interesting and a definite page-turner. Your agent will come along, I have no doubt. Keep the dream alive and your chin up! I’m with you every step of the way! So proud of your hard work and determination.


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